
It is with utmost pleasure that we extend an invitation to you to participate in the IAEEEE series conferences which will be held throughout 2025.

The topics of IAEEEE series conferences have encompassed Green Building, Cyber Security, Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Urban Design and Planning, Haptics and Virtual Reality, Physics and Functional Materials, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Electric Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering, Energy and Environmental Engineering, etc.

IAEEEE seeks to develop a sustainable future and ensure the continued advancement of our modern world, as it becomes more reliant on electronic, electrical and energy engineering.


Please submit your paper to info@iaeeee.org or submit via Online Submission System. All submitted papers need to be original, must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the review cycle. Please download the Paper Template and Abstract Template here, the submitted papers need to subject to the template. 

Key Dates

Full Submission Due: Dec. 1, 2025

Registration: Dec. 20, 2025


All accepted and presented papers will be published in digital conference proceeding, which will send to be reviewed and indexed by major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, Google Scholar etc.


Call for papers

Green Building

Cyber Security

Electrical Engineering

Information Engineering

Smart Materials and Surfaces

Urban Design and Planning

Haptics and Virtual Reality

Physics and Functional Materials

Mining and Metallurgical Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Electric Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering

Energy and Environmental Engineering

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Join as Reviewer

We sincerely welcome professors, associate professors, teachers and other experts to join the conference as a reviewer. We sincerely welcome you to send email to cmsme@iased.org for further information. Your request will be processed in 5 working days. Sincerely welcome you to join us.

Previous Keynote Speakers

Muhammad Ali Imran  

University of Glasgow UESTC

Plamen Angelov  

Lancaster University

Robert Babuska

Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands  

Tomas Krajnik

Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic  

Organized by

Organizer Statments

On the principal of participants' safety 1st, the organizer reserves the right to change the conference date and venue against force majeure. The participants are obliged to comply and cooperate with the organizer's decision.

Conference Program

First Day: Registration+Icebreaker Reception

Second Day: Opening Ceremony+Keynote Speech+Technical Sessions 

Third Day: Free Day